
Result 1: Training Tools for Music Entrepreneurship Education
Effective training tools to improve the basic/transversal skills and entrepreneurial skills of adults.
Result 2: Learning Platform
Open learning portal
Open learning portal (open educational resources-OER) for adult educators of disadvantaged musicians and adult learners (musicians and music industry workers) to find and swap resources about entrepreneurship and its value in the innovation, basic/transversal skills, business field and non-formal education.
Below you will find a user guide for your correct registration to the platform.

Result 3: Learning Documentary
Training Tools
A high-quality video documentary that will bring together the contents of the Training Tools developed using the non-formal approach based on the history of rock music. The idea of the video is to create an entertaining and accessible learning tool set up as a documentary about the target group, about innovative entrepreneurship and rock music history.
Result 4:
Protocol for Certification of Competencies
A procedural document containing all the key aspects of the new created learning approach and training path.